Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Tomorrow the day Nov. 2, 2011 there will be a chance of snow in Des Moines, Ia. I believe it will snow because it was pretty hot today. Usually when it is hot the day before they say its suppose to rain it will. It's all science.

Rich beware your days are counted

Thousands of young protesters in France are protesting about the G20. I do agree with the protesters the rich is sort of killing the ecosystem. But If you were rich you would probably do the same. Money usually whips the mind of people and lets them not give a crap about the eco cause they're rich.

Wheres My Money

FBI investigate the missing money of global customers. FBI said there is 600 million dollars missing. I think that is a lot that could go towards the debt in America. How do you lose that much money. There had to be a virus or something to have the system lose that money.

belly slide.

Airplane does a emergincy landing cause the landing gear failed. Planes now a day should have dual landing gears just in case one fails. It's worth the money plane companies need to stop being cheap.

6th game World series of 2011

The cards won that game that night. It was a very close game with an extra 2 innings to the game. bottom of the 9th D. Freese hits a tripe and ties up the game at 7.
I belive at the top of ten J. Hamotin hits a Homer and Andres score too. 2 more scores in the bottom of the tenth. In the eleventh Freese hits a walk off home run. wins that game.

Nosie Fucks


CNN believes that your phone company is trying to sell out there consumers personal information to 3rd party company. There new policy lets them give there customers personal data to 3rd party company. I would not approve of this. This will somehow or later turn into a lawsuit. People don't like getting there personal info messed with.